Monday, August 30, 2010

Two Super Happy Years!!!

"If you live to be one hundred, I want to live to be one hundred minus one day, so I never have to live without you." - Winnie the Pooh.

Yesterday was Jeremy and my 2nd anniversary. I must admit, I have never been happier in my entire life. He has made me stronger as a person and with him, I have accomplished so much more than being a single mother from Bellingham. We have a beautiful family, with 2 beautiful sons and more children sometime soon. He took Christian as his son without a complaint and is an amazing (step)father to him. When I see him with both of my boys, my heart just melts.
At his (and his mother's) behest, I got off my butt, something my family had been trying to get me to do for YEARS, and started school toward a RN degree. Here I am, I have finished my pre-requisites.
All this could not have happened without my loving fiance, whom I happily call my husband (because I know I want EVERY moment of my life to be with HIM).
I could write more, but you guys would be here for years. That's how much I love him. I can't stop talking about him. :) He makes me feel so beautiful and happy. Who could ask for more?
Here's to a million more, Rem! I love you!

First pic taken of me after one of our first dates. My family said they had never seen me this happy. Sep 2008.
My engagement/wedding ring. I <3>
They have my whole heart! 7/2010.
Being silly! 6/2010.
Our beautiful family! 6/2010.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

He's Gettin' So Big!!!

Jonathan is growing like a weed! i can't believe in two days, he will be nine months old. It's like days ago that I was holding him for the first time.
He is walking holding on to furniture now and can stand in the middle of the floor by himself for about 30 seconds before falling on his butt. He has no teeth, and is still breastfeeding. I intend to go for the whole year, but I have a feeling he will go longer than that. He loves to eat. He is constantly feasting. He loves snacks and can feed himself.
He reminds me of Christian at this age in terms of his character development. He is a comedian, just like "brah-brah". He loves to play peek-a-boo and surprise me all the time. He is just a little person, much like Christian.
I love this age! I can't believe how fast it's going and can't wait to have more beautiful children with Jeremy. Clearly, our babies are gorgeous, doe-eyed wunderkind. I mean, look at that face!
Pics and vids below.
PS- I am liking this blog thing.
Jonathan Learning Peek-a-boo.

Christian being goofy. Aug 2010.

Jon Luc on a swing. 8/10.
Dining on teething toy, 8/10.

Cutie in the bath, 8/10.

Loves bathtime! 8/10

Saturday, August 28, 2010

My oh my...

Where to begin...I feel like I should have to say a lot more than that. I finally realized that if I never actually blogged, well...

I always kept on putting it off.

Here goes...

I am 28 with two boys, Christian (7) and Jonathan (9 mos), and a fiance, Jeremy (35), who loves me with every fiber of my being and makes me feel soooo beautiful! We are very happy and very in love.

I guess the thing that started it all was losing my Dad to cancer in 2008. That changed everything. When he passed, I moved and left behind all the bad in my life. I got a new house, a new job and a promise to go to school. My sister, Kirsten was there to watch over me. A few months later, I met Jeremy at work, and HAD to have him. I was so smitten. After a few months of flirting, I learned that the feeling was mutual. We started dating and it worked! We are now engaged to be married (but say we are) and have never looked back.

That's it in a nutshell.

I hope to post more as we go along. Here are some pics.

Our Happy Family
Nov 2009.

Matching Mohawks!
Christian and Jonathan, May 2010.

So Small!
Jonathan Lucas, 1 mo. Jan 2010.

First Family Photo
Dec 2, 2009.

Aug 2010.
Taken by Claire Gilfillan, as well as the one in header above.